

Best Answer

In medical terms, that is a stone, such as a kidney stone, That is about 1/3rd of an inch in size,

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Q: What does having a 7mm calculus mean?
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Related questions

What does the medical term calculus mean?

Calculus in some contexts means stone (such as a urinary calculus or salivary calculus), or can mean mineral deposits on teeth.A calculus, in medicine, is a stone that grows in some organs - such as a kidney.

Which rifle is the most powerful the 7mm or a 30-06?

Define 7mm. Do you mean 7mm Mauser ( a little less than 30-06), or 7mm Magnum, (a bit more than 30-06)

Show me a 7mm circle?

It is hard to draw one here and do you mean radius 7 mm or diameter 7mm

Who were the creators of calculus?

Many, many people have added to calculus, but Newton is generally recognized as having started the western study into it.

Who achieved calculus?

If you mean "who invented calculus", then Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz both developed it independently.

What does the word ''Calculus'' mean in Math?

In basic terms, Calculus is Differentiation and Integration And all things associated with that.

Derivation on math?

you mean like calculus?

What does palladium mean?

It means that it is missing an electron. Why is this in calculus??

What is calculus of intelligence mean?

It is the theoretical idea of scientific technology having the ability to significantly enhance the human brain's intelligence. potao potato potato. dont use this for school.

What is a point of explosion in calculus?

I don't think such a term is used in calculus. Check the spelling. Perhaps you mean point of inflection?

What does 7mm mean in a rifle size?

The 7mm designation is a reference to the bore size, or diameter. In decimal size it means this rifle has a barrel groove diameter of .284 inch.

Which is bigger 30-06 or 7mm?

Do you mean the length of the cartridge or the diameter of the projectile?