

Best Answer
IcthusIcthus is the English transliteration for the Greek word for 'fish'. In English, it refers to the Christian symbol of a fish which identifies one as a Christian. See the image in the Related Link below.

Boogie Baby: If you want the christian meaning for Icthus, it came from The words meaning Iesous Chreistos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior)

Together in the word Icthus it translates to fish, hence the little Jesus Fish, during times of the persecution of Christians, it was used as a secret symbol to identify other Christians without being caught, and the whole time the Roman king thought they were talking about the pagan god! :)

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Q: What does icthus mean?
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Ichthus is a fish used to symbolize Christianity.

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What does the Icthus symbolise?

The early Christians were part of the Roman empire, which persecuted them. The icthus (Greek for 'fish'), as a word or simple design, came to be used as a secret symbol for Christians to safely identify other Christians. It's often assumed the fish motif was derived from Christ's remark to his desciples that he would make them "fishers of men". Actually, ICTHUS was used because it reflected the following phrase. Bear in mind that "TH" is one letter in Greek. Iesous Christos THeou hUios Soter "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior"

What is a fish sticker at the back of the car means?

The Icthus fish symbol was a secret symbol used by early Christians during the persecution of the Church by Rome. It was an acrostic, made up from the letters in the Greek alphabet. It has latterly been used by modern Christians as a message to fellow Christians that they meet on the road.

What are some good fish names if you have no clue if its a girl or boy?

You could try a name based on the fish's colour. Goldfinn, Carrots, Peach, Rufus, Blackie, Cyan, Alban, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, etc. Or you could use foreign words that mean "fish". Pisces, Icthus, Poisson. Or words that reflect the fish's behaviour. Bubbles, Diver, Gobbler, Plunger, Splash. Or the words of character-qualities that you believe or wish your fish to possess. Courage, Champion, Brilliant, Clown, Beauty, Smartypants, Wetone.

Why fish at greek funerals?

Early Greek Christians used the acronym Icthys, or Icthus- latinized as a sign for Jesus Christ, son of God, savior, or similar meaning, it was a sort of code phrase and was written in greek letters inside a stylized Fish symbol, for some reason it is easier to draw a fish backwards!-from the tail end. Icthyology is of course the study of Fish and is derived from the Greek, as many Early Christians were fisherman- such as St.Peter, the symbolism is right-on.

Does the fish symbol for Jesus symbolizes the constellation Pisces?

No. The fish symbol comes from the Greek word for fish icthus which the early Christians used a secret sign of their being Christian. The letters of the symbol standing for central aspects of their belief. The words in Greek are Iesous, Christos, Theos, Huios, soter. This makes the statement when translated literally Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Saviour.This symbol thus has absolutely nothing to do with the constellation Pisces.

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you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

What does descriptor mean?

It mean what you don't what does it mean.

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The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

Do you say 'what does it mean' or 'what is it mean'?

The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"