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how how squared is two anin three MEANS like the not the third power but like theumi do not know how to explain itOKti's like you knd volume is three

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Q: What does in three mean with volume in math?
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What does volume mean in terms of math?

A number? ^^

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What is the definition of volume in math terms?

Volume is the amount of three-dimensional space taken up by something.

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a liter means a unit of volume

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Length: meter Math: I guess you mean "mass". That would be the kilogram. Volume: cubic meter

What does volume mean in math?

Volume in math refers to the amount of space that a substance or shape occupies in three-dimensional space. It is measured in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters. The volume of a solid object can be computed using specific formulas depending on its shape.

How is the volume in math alike to the volume of music?

Volume in math means the amount of space an object occupies. Volume in music means amplitude, loudness, or sound pressure. Scroll down to related links and look at "How many decibels (dB) is twice (double, half) or three times as loud?".

What does cubic unit mean in math?

A cubic unit is essentially a three-dimensional unit used to describe volume, just like a square unit is a two-dimensional unit that describes area.

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Composite numbers have three or more factors.

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What does volume mean when you use it in math?

the amount of space taken up by a 3 - dimensional shape such as a box or a room