The indemnitor is the person or entity that indemnifies you. Indemnify, in common terms, means to put you back to where you were before the covered event occured.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".
An indemnitor has no standing as fare as the bond is concerned. His main responsibility is to guarantee that the defendant will appear in court and if that individual does not appear the indemnitor will then become the primary guarantor for the face value of the bond. If the indemnitor wants to withdraw from such responsibility he could contact the bail agency and request to be removed as guarantor on the bond. The bail agency at that point can choose to revoke the bond since the indemnitor is no longer willing take responsibility. The indemnitor will have to pay the cost involved with surrendering the defendant. What you need to remember is that the indemnitor is like the collateral on the bond if such collateral doesn't exists then the bond agency has no choice but to revoke the bond. for more information on surety bail bonds go to Thank you, Andrew Sterling Sterling Bail Bonds
Indemnification Agreement(Download)_________________________, referred to as INDEMNITOR, and ________________________, referred to as INDEMNITEE agree:Pursuant to a _________________________ dated __________________, INDEMNITOR agreed to indemnify INDEMNITEE from certain claims and liabilities. A claim has been made by ______________________ against INDEMNITOR, on ___________________ a claim was made against INDEMNITEE for ___________________________________________.The INDEMNITOR and INDEMNITEE disagree as to whether the contract provides for indemnity for the claim presented by INDEMNITOR.The parties agree that INDEMNITOR shall provide legal counsel and other services necessary to defend the claim, provided that the provision of such services are not a waiver of any rights that INDEMNITOR may have to dispute whether the claim is required to be indemnified. Further, the parties agree that INDEMNITOR shall control the defense of the claim and INDEMNITEE will cooperate fully with the INDEMNITOR in the defense of the claim.The parties shall submit the dispute regarding whether the contract provides indemnity herein to INDEMNITEE to a suit before the Court for.Upon the final decision by the COURT finding that there is no indemnification, the defense shall be turned over to the INDEMNITEE.Upon the final decision by the COURT finding that indemnity is provided, the INDEMNITOR shall proceed to defend the claim.“Final decision” shall be defined as a ruling by a Court for which no further appeal is possible, or by agreement by the parties that no further litigation shall take place.This is the entire agreement between the parties and this agreement may only be varied by a writing executed by the parties.Dated: _________________________________________________________INDEMNITOR___________________________________INDEMNITEEIndemnification AgreementReview ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation. This is a standard indemnification agreement related to a disputed situation. Feel free to modify it as required by your circumstances.1. Make multiple copies. Give one to each signatory. Keep one copy in the transaction file.
Definition of "Indemnitor": A party entering into an agreement with a surety that should a principal on whose behalf a surety bond has been issued default, the indemnitor will assume the principal's obligations. So to answer your question, yes, if those he cosigned for defaulted, the entire responsibility of repayment would rest upon his shoulders, financially and legally, which could also mean loss of property (cars, boats, houses, etc) if that person were unable to keep up the payments themselves - It could ruin your father financially, forever, if that were to happen. You need to do whatever it takes to make good on this loan payment.
The indemnitor is the one that agrees to repay all costs back to the surety should the bond goes into default. The bond goes into default if you fail to perform as agreed in a contract. Since the suerty knows where all your assets are, i highly recommend that the contract be completed according to the contract that you signed.
If you are an indemnitor and want to withdraw from a bail bond I would read your indemnitor agreement contract very carefully so you understand your agreement.In almost all cases you will be required to, in writing, request to be removed as indemnitor of a bail bond and send this certified to your bail bond agent. Be forewarned though, in many agreements you will be required to compensate the bail agent and his team for their time in apprehending the defendant.In a lot of cases you must put down an expected deposit before they even begin and they will itemize all expenses to be paid by you once the defendant is returned to the custody of the courts.Many agreements which I have seen charge $150 per person plus expenses (mileage, hotel, food). A 3 man team (minimum) will rack up at $450 an hour. Your cooperation in locating the defendant for the bail agent will go a long way but still expect to be asked for a deposit and the remainder of the money before they return the defendant to the courts.
Most of the time the indemnitor pays the bail bondsman. Here's how it works. Someone is arrested. Say for domestic violence. This is a very popular charge in California and the bail is usually $20,000 or $50,000. $20,000 if its a normal verbal fight with maybe a push or just verbal threats. $50,000 if there are marks such as bruises or scrapes. The cost of the bail bond goes up when there is more damage or multiple offenses over time. So we'll deal with the $20,000 domestic violence charge. The bail bonds is now $20,000, the defendant is in jail awaiting their court date. The defendant now has two choices. 1. Wait in jail until their court date. 2. Bail themself out. Normally the defendant bail's them self out by calling a friend or family member and the friend or family member calls a bail bonds company. This is where you find out who is paying the bail bondsman. When the friend or family member receives a call from the defendant, they call a bail bondsman and tell them what happened. The bail bondsman looks up the charges and the cost of the bail bonds in the computer. For this example its $20,000. A bail bondsman is regulated by the California Department of Insurance and is told to take 10% of the overall bail bond cost for their premium. This would then be $2000. At this point the friend pays the bail bondsman and signs for their responsibility also. Meaning, the signor or indemnitor is stating that they will be responsible for the defendant to go to all of their court dates until the case is over. After the defendant get's bailed out, the defendant usually pays back the indemnitor for helping them out. Only in rare scenarios does the defendant actually bail themself out and pay for their own bail bonds. For more information: visit
No. Generally, the powers of attorney are not general. You need to check the particular signed agreement since they vary from state to state. For example, in North Carolina the bond form grants the following powers of attorney, which are very specific:"To execute appearance bonds of individuals before the General Court of Justice, District Court Division, and Superior Court Divisions of those counties of the State of North Carolina in which this Power of Attorney is registered."
When a Bail Bond Company writes a bond, they are responsible for the bond amount if the defendant fails to appear. The indemnitor (person who gives collateral for the bond) is responsible to the extent that they will lose whatever they gave the bondsman for collateral if the bond is forfeited. That is why bond agencies try to find the defendant and bring him to jail before the bond forfeiture hearing, so they do not have to pay the courts the amount of the bond. Bond companies pay the courts in CASH regardless of what type of collateral was used for the bond.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.