An independent variable is a variable that isn't affected by something else. A dependent variable is a variable that's affected by changes in the independent variable.
The independent variable is what you measure and the dependent variable is what you change
The outcome is the dependent variable in science experiments.
An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).
The independent variable is the variable that the scientist controls and can change in an experiment. There should be only one independent variable in an experiment; otherwise the cause-and-effect of the independent variable cannot be determined.The dependent variable is the variable that is affected by the independent variable.EXAMPLE:Students of the same age have been given different sleeping hours (the independent variable)The next day they are tested for their performance (the dependent variable).(Having students the same age is a third type of variable, called the constant variable or the control variable. It is deliberately kept the same to reduce any effects on the outcome.)
You may be asking about dependent variables, as in a lab activity. There are also independent variables. The independent variable is the thing that is controlled or kept monitored by the scientist. The dependent variable is what occurs or changes as a result of the independent variable.
An independent variable is a variable that isn't affected by something else. A dependent variable is a variable that's affected by changes in the independent variable.
An independent variable is a variable that isn't affected by something else. A dependent variable is a variable that's affected by changes in the independent variable.
In an experiment the variables whose values are measured. A scientist measures how these variables respond to changes they make in an independent variable.
a variable that depend on the independent variable
The independent variable is what you measure and the dependent variable is what you change
The outcome is the dependent variable in science experiments.
A dependent variable is one in whose experimental or analytical value is determined by the value of the independent variable. An independent variable is not determined by any other variable, but rather is an input value. For example in the equation y = 3x y is dependent and determined by the value of the independent variable x
The Dependent Variable is the value you measure in an experiment. It relates directly to the independent variable (it 'depends' on it). By contrast: Independent variable - the condition you deliberately change in order to get different results. Controlled variable - the condition you keep the same in all specimens in an experiment. For example, if you were doing an experiment to see how different amounts of sunlight affected the height of bean plants, the dependent variable would be the height - that is what you are measuring, and it changes/varies with each plant. The independent variable would be sunlight. You would write the Dependent Variable as "Height (centimeters)"
A dependent quantity is a variable that is determined by another variable, known as the independent variable. The dependent variable's value depends on the value of the independent variable. This relationship is often represented in a mathematical or statistical model.
A constant variable is one that is not the independent variable (the one you are changing) or the dependent variable (the one you change). Constant variables are so named because in order for the experiment to be legitimate, it is expected that the scientist control them, thus keeping them constant across all trials. This ensures that changes in the dependent variable are only the result of changes in the independent variable.
Helps students organize identify independent variable, dependent variable, and constants in an experimental design. This information is then used to write an if/then statement for a hypothesis.