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'pointed to'

'printed in red'

'printed in heavy bold letters'

'printed in italics'

'with the arrow pointing to it'

'printed bigger than everything else around it'

'printed in some way so that it's the first thing you notice'

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Its another way of saying exponent



x5/2 = x*x*squareroot(x)

e2x = exex

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Q: What does indicate mean in math?
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If they are sanctioned and used to indicate a particular process.

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What is the symbol used to indicate an answer in math?

Normally it is = which is an equality sign

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The plus symbol, "+", is used to indicate an addition.

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What does length mean in math

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It is used in set theory to indicate intersection. The intersection of two sets, A and B, is the set of all elements that are in A as well as in B.

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Brackets are used in maths to indicate the order of calculations in the equation.

What does the dot in math stand for?

A dot can mean several things, depending on the context.It can separate the whole part of a decimal number from the fractional part.It (or a pair of them) are used to indicate repeating decimal expansions.It can indicate a derivative.It can stand for the scalar product of two vectors.

What does mean in math mean for kids?

It means "an average". The sum of several values divided by the number of values.The term "arithmetic mean" is used to more specifically indicate the numerical average, since there are three general forms of averaging, including the mean, the mode, and the median.

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what does key mean in math

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she needs help in math.

What does HL mean in math terms?

HL in math mean hypotenuse leg