

Best Answer

A dot can mean several things, depending on the context.

  • It can separate the whole part of a decimal number from the fractional part.
  • It (or a pair of them) are used to indicate repeating decimal expansions.
  • It can indicate a derivative.
  • It can stand for the scalar product of two vectors.

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Q: What does the dot in math stand for?
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Why does a dot stand for multiplication?

A dot stands for multiplication simply because nothing else in math is a dot. Since X is a common math variable it is not used very often anymore in because it is too confusing when the problem looks like 3x x x + x= it is very hard to decipher.

What does dot stand for in website address?

"Dot" stands for ".".

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DOT stands for Department of Transportation.

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go to math facts dot com go to math facts dot com

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A letter in math can stand for any number

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Department of transportation.

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a city

What the h in math stand for?

Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!

What does the dot mean in a math problem?

It depends on the context. A dot could be:a decimal pointabove a digit after a decimal: an indication of recurrenceif one of three dots: it could stand for "and so on" eg 1, 2, 3, ...a symbol for multiplication: eg a.b = aba dot product in vectorsa mathematical operation in group theory.

Where can I find math worksheets?

Some sites to use for Math help are jumpstart dot com and math help dot com.

What is the definition of dot?

A dot is small round dot or speck used to designate something. It can be used in everything from math to writing to computing and much more.