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Q: What does it mean a triangle is rigid?
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Is a pentagon rigid?

No. A triangle is the only rigid polygon.

Is a triangle a rigid shape?


Why is the triangle the most rigid polygon?

The triangle is the most rigid polygon because amongst the other polygons, it has the least amount of sides.

How do you find if a polygon is a rigid plane-shape?

The only convex polygon that is rigid is a triangle.

What shapes are rigid?

triangle , square , rectangle

What is the most rigid shape?

It's The Triangle

What is something unique about the triangle?

It is a rigid 2-dimensional shape.

What shape made out of straight pieces is strongest or most rigid?

The most rigid shape that you can make out of straight pieces is the triangle.

What shape is very rigid?

2D - the triangle 3D - the tetrahedron (i.e. it has a triangle on each side and there are 4 sides.

Are regular hexagons rigid?

No. The only rigid polygon is a triangle. Any other needs diagonals - which break up the polygon into triangles.

What is 3 differences between a triangle and rhombus?

A triangle has 3 vertices, a rhombus has 4. All sides of a rhombus are of equal length, they need not be for a triangle. A triangle is a rigid shape, a rhombus is not.

Is a triangle rigid?

Yes. Given three lengths, e.g. 6 cm, 7 cm, 8 cm, there is only one triangle that can be made - hence SSS being a proof of congruence. This makes it rigid - it can't be transformed nto another triangle, so it can't move. Compare this to a quadrilateral; it isn't rigid. A square can "slide" into a rhombus, a rectangle into a parallelogram. For evidence, cout some card strips and use paper fasteners to hold the ends together. A triangle so constructed is rigid, a quadrilateral can be distorted.