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Q: What does it mean if 3 girls are blushing with only you and you are a Muslim guy?
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What does it mean if 3 girls are blushing with only you and you are a Muslim?

your in

What does it mean if all girls blushing dark red with only one Muslim guy?

The blood has rushed to their cheeks due to a natural and uncontrollable reaction to shyness or embarrassment.

What does it mean if all university girls and women smiled and blushed dark red with only you at the same time if you are a Muslim university guy?

Well, since all of them are blushing, it could mean either they like you, or you said something that was embarrassing or awkward. Girls tend to blush in awkward/uncomfortable situations a lot.

What does it mean if all girls blush dark red with only one Muslim man?

Means the girls like the Muslim person and finds him quite attractive if anything.

What does it mean if all Muslim girls blush dark red with only you if you are a 20 year old Muslim man?

It doesn't mean anything, she can be just embarrassed or she just has a crush on you. No biggie :)

Are non-Muslim girls allowed to love Muslims?

Muslim men can marry jewish and christian women. Muslim women can only marry Muslim men. So if by "love" you mean marriage then Yes. if you mean boyfriend-girlfriend then no, and thats reguardless of religion.

What does it mean if all university girls and women smiled and blushed dark red with only you if you are a Muslim university guy?

Ethnicity has nothing to do with it

What does it mean when university girls write xo in their messages to only one guy who is a 21 year old single Muslim?

They think he is cute

Does blushing more often mean you lie more?

Blushing can be triggered by various emotions, including embarrassment, nervousness, or excitement, and is not necessarily an indicator of lying. Blushing more often may indicate sensitivity or emotional reactivity, but it does not directly correlate with lying behavior.

What does it mean if many university girls blush dark red with only you if you are a Muslim guy?

They are incomfortable with your high standards because they know they cant meet them ;)

What does it mean if all university girls and women smiled and blushed dark red with only you if you are a 20 year old Muslim university guy?

they like you

Do Muslim girls have to marry a Muslim boy?

Yes, a Muslim girl has to marry only a Muslim boy. She is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim boy. Refer to question below for more details.