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They like you, ask them out

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Q: Why computer science girls blush dark red with only you if you are a Muslim computer science guy?
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Why computer science girls blush dark red with only you?

Perhaps they are feeling mutal feelings of attraction.

What does it mean if the university girls in computer science and engineering blush dark red with only you if you are a university guy?

It means they're embarrassed to be seen near you.

What does it mean if all girls in computer science and engineering blush dark red with only one male engineering student?

they are embarrased because there is lots of girls and only one guy

What does it mean if many of your friends professors and a few classmates in your computer engineering program who are girls blush dark red with only you if you are a Muslim guy?

Either they're nervous or they like you :)

What does it mean if all girls blush dark red with only one Muslim man?

Means the girls like the Muslim person and finds him quite attractive if anything.

What are the reasons university girls blush dark red with only you if you are a Muslim guy?

You should ask them why.

What are the list of reasons in point form girls blush dark red with only you if you are a Muslim guy?

Girls may blush dark red with anyone who they might be embarrassed by or infatuated with, regardless of faith.

What does it mean if all girls who study computer science and engineering blush dark red with only one of the male engineering students and not the rest?

They're all doing him.

What does it mean if there are 240 guys and 3 girls in your computer engineering classes and these 3 girls blush a severe dark red color with only you if you are a Muslim university guy?

You stop being a creeper. Don't look much into it, or ask them~

What does it mean if all college and university girls blush dark red with only one 20 year old Muslim guy?

LOL well it obviously means that she likes him. Girls typically blush when they like a guy.

What does it mean when all college and university girls blush with one Muslim?

They like you, appreciate the attention while it lasts

What does it mean if all computer science and engineering girls in their early twenties blush dark red with only one guy?

im not a girl im a waman and she likes you go for it ask her out