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They create an electromagnet field within the triangle do to an excess amount of electrons chromosomes found in the discolored skin. Try to stick a small piece of metal, like a staple, to your arm to see if it attracts or becomes electromagnetically charged. If this doesn't work, perhaps consider it a beautiful free tattoo from your mom.

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Q: What does it mean if i have 3 moles in the shape of a triangle and it's on my arm?
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The root word "arm" typically refers to the upper limb of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to anything resembling an arm in shape or function, such as the arm of a machine or a chair.

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Talent agents would not care if you have a mole under your arm. Cindy Crawford made moles on your face famous.

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The leads in Einthoven's Triangle, which are Leads I (left and right arm), II (right arm and left foot)), and III (left arm and foot).

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That is the deltoidus muscle, or simply 'deltoid' muscle. In the Greek alphabet, the letter 'delta' is a triangle shape.

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arm y it mean arm

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The volume is 2,67 L.

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