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a ray in maths is a arm of an angle.

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Q: What does ray and line mean in math?
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What is a ray in math terms?

A ray in math is a part of a line that has one end point

Ray in math?

ray is a line segment that extends forever in one direction

What are rays and lines?

In math terms:A ray is a line with one endpoint, never ending.-------->A line is like a ray, but with no endpoints.

What is an horizontal ray in math?

A horizontal ray in math is a line that runs horizontally that has one starting point and goes on forever in the opposite direction.

What is an difference between a ray and line in math?

a line has a dot on each end and a ray only has one dot and an arrow, it keeps on going.

What is ray in math terms?

A ray looks like this: •----------------> One end point, and an endless line going the other way.

What does line mean in math form?

the mean (in math) is the average of all the numbers in the problem

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What are some math vocab words for fifth graders?

geometry, ray, line, line segment, square root, exponent, parenthesis

What does a ray look like in math terms?

A ray is a line in which one side end with a dot, and the other, an arrow to symbolize that the line goes on forever on one side only.

What does a ray mean in math terms?

It has one endpoint and the other end continues on.

What is a line a segment and a ray in math?

A line is a one-dimensional set of points that extends to infinity in both directions (so it has no endpoint). A ray is a line that goes to infinity in only one direction and has one endpoint. A line segment is a line with two endpoints (so it does not go to infinity).