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On a time axis, 0 could be the present time.

numbers to the left would be time that has gone - e.g. yesterday.

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Q: What does it mean shifting to left of 0 on the time axis?
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Is average acceleration the slop of a velocity vs time graph?

What is 'slop' ???? I think you mean 'slope' ; which means 'Gradient'. 'Slop' means a 'mess'. Please remember, correct English grammar. Yes!!! In a velocity/time graph the gradient/slope is a acceleration. On such a graph remember. The horizontal (x) axis is the time axis. The Vertical (y) axis is the velocity axis. If the line rises from left to right it is accelerating. If the line is horizontal (parallel to x - axis, but NOT co-planr), it is constant velocity. If the line falls from left to right it is deceleration(slowing down). If the line is co-planar with the time(x) axis , the object is not moving.

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You can close entxa tabs to remove the issue. Tabs move to left when there are many tabs open at a time.

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It is OFTEN the x axis, but not always. Sometimes it is the t-axis (for time). In basic economics it could be quantity (q), in demographics it could be age (y, for years). There are many alternatives.

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The period of earth's rotation on its axis is 23hours56minutes4seconds of mean solar time.

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With distance on the x axis and time on the y axis a steep line would indicate a short distance traveled over a long period of time, depending on the scale of the graph.

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No, day goes on the x axis and time goes on the y axis.

What is x axis in economics?

Both in economics and in other areas, the horizontal axis - if that is what you mean - is quite often used for time. On the other hand, if the axis is actually labelled "x", it simply refers to an independent variable.

What is the reason for taking absorbance on y-axis and time on x-axis?

Convention holds that time be on the horizontal axis.