Agglomeration means the act or process of gathering into a group or mass. It is often used in conjuction with urban agglomeration, which stands for an expanding or linking urban area.
Decrease means to reduce and not to add.
no. it actually means that you add all the numbers together and your answer is the mean
No :/
No it mean to multiply
The population of Urban agglomeration of Longueuil is 399,097.
Urban agglomeration of Longueuil was created on 2002-01-01.
The population density of Urban agglomeration of Longueuil is 1,413.1 people per square kilometer.
An agglomeration of intestinal boluses.
Trichy city - 10,27,436 Trichy urban agglomeration - 13,39,534. Area of the city is 167.23 sq.kms Urban agglomeration is spread over an area of 180 sq.kms
Mexico City
Trichy city - 10,27,436 Trichy urban agglomeration - 13,39,534. Area of the city is 167.23 sq.kms Urban agglomeration is spread over an area of 180 sq.kms
An agglomeration is a collection or mass of something. As such, the concentration of some substance comes from this agglomeration.
2 millions. around 8 million for the whole agglomeration
Urban agglomeration
Agglomeration means to form or be formed into a mass, to collect, possibly in a jumbled fashion. So in terms of population, it would be an extended town or city area and any suburbs linked by the continuous urban area
Agglomeration in chemistry refers to the process of particles or substances sticking or clumping together to form larger aggregates. This can occur through various mechanisms such as physical contact or chemical bonding. Agglomeration can influence properties like solubility, reactivity, and physical appearance of the material.