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Q: What does it mean to be derivative in quality?
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What does differentiation mean in mathematics?

Finding the derivative. The derivative is the measure of how a function changes as its input changes.

Derivative of 2aXaXa with respect to x?

If by "2aXaXa", you actually mean "2a3", then the derivative with respect to a is 6a2. On the other hand, if you actually mean "2a3X2", then it's derivative with respect to X would be 6a2X2(da/dx) + 4a3X. If "a" is simply a constant though, then it's derivative is 4a3X

What does the derivative at a point mean?

The derivative at any point in a curve is equal to the slope of the line tangent to the curve at that point. Doing it in terms of the actual expression of the curve, find the derivative of the curve, then plug the x-value of the point into the derivative to find the derivative at that point.

Has the principle responsibility for the quality of derivative classification?

DoD officials who sign or approve classified documents.

who Has the principle responsibility for the quality of derivative classification?

DoD officials who sign or approve classified documents.

How do you find the mean of x over y equals a over b?

Find the derivative of Y and then divide that by the derivative of A

What does the derivative graph mean?

I am assuming the you are talking about the graph of the derivative. The graph of the derivative of F(x) is the graph such that, for any x, the value of x on the graph of the derivative of F(x) is the slope at point x in F(x).

What does jerk mean in math?

Jerk is the derivative of acceleration.

What does the last name Pins mean?

a derivative of snip

Which of the following has principal responsibility for the quality of the derivative classification?

dod officials who sign or approve classified documents.

What does the constant rate mean in math?

It means that the first derivative is a constant. The derivative may be with regard to time or any other variable.

How do you do derivative 27ex?

I assume you mean 27 times e to the power x. 1) You take out the constant out. So, the derivative is 27 times the derivative of (e to the power x).2) You use the rule for the exponential function.