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A simple definition of distillation is the process of separating a liquid mixture into their individual components due to their different boiling points. So if something is distilled it has gone through this process. Hopefully this answers your question, but if you want a more detailed description of distillation please post another question.
If u mean like distilled water then it means there are no impurities in it through the procces of evaporating it and then recondencing it.

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Q: What does it mean to be distilled?
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What is mean distilled water?

Distilled water is water that has been distilled, or put another way, water that has been turned to a vapor (steam), and then condensed back to liquid water. It is a means to purify the water.

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We do not understand what you mean by "freshly reared distilled water", you can not "rear" water.

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Distilled water is considered one of the purest forms of water because it has been boiled and condensed to remove impurities. However, this process does not remove all contaminants, and factors like the source of the water and storage conditions can also impact its purity.

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If by 'this' you mean pizza then no you cannot. However if you mean distilled water then yes you can.

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If you mean the distilled drink, it is from Turkey. It is a drink that many of the Turks are very proud of.

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No, distilled water is distilled water.

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Distilled water is water that has been distilled, or put another way, water that has been turned to a vapor (steam), and then condensed back to liquid water. It is a means to purify the water.

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