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There are three types of average.

  1. Mean - is when you add up all the values in the set and divide by the count of values in the set. This is the most common interpretation of average, so if it was not specified, this is usually what is meant.
  2. Median - is when you sort all the values in numerical order, and pick the value that is at the midpoint. If there are an even amount of values, there will be two that fall into the middle, in which case you take the mean of those two.
  3. Mode - is when you select the value that occurs most frequently in the set. If there are multiple values that occur the most frequently, all of those values are considered the mode.

Example List :


The Mean is 4.8

The Median is 5

The Mode are 1, 3 and 6

When you are asked to average a list, that individual list would be defined as the "set"

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Q: What does it mean to find the average of each list of numbers?
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If you want to calculate the average of a list of numbers, add the numbers together and divide it by the number of numbers.

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Yes. To get the mean you add all of the numbers in the list together then divide by how many numbers there are in the list : Example: find the mean of 34, 56, 72 and 50 34+56+72+50=212 212 divided by four (as there are four numbers in the list)=53 The mean and average is 53.

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What's the question ? Is it to find what the two numbers are ? Since you know their average, you know what the sum of the two numbers is. It's double their average. Now you know their sum, and you know their product. Take the product, and list all of its factors. Find two of the factors that add up to the sum of the two numbers. Those are probably the two numbers you're looking for.

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It is the number that occurs the most in the list of numbers

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You can find a list of lesbian chatline numbers on the website Lavender Line.