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"Grading on a curve" refers to a method of assigning grades that achieves a predetermined statistical distribution, regardless of the absolute level of performance.

"The curve" refers to the Normal Distribution curve, which is the usual distribution of test scores in practice.

For example, giving the top 10% of the class A's, even if no one gets more than half of the exam credit, or failing the bottom 20% of the class, even if everyone scores above 90%.

An advantage of grading on the curve is that it tends to eliminate bias in grades caused by the difficulty of the material or the quality of the instruction. It has the disadvantage that it does not reflect student mastery in absolute terms. It also discourages students from assisting each other with learning the subject.

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What is a curve grade?

Alot of times if a class makes a low grade, your teacher will decide to "curve" it. All this means is that he/she is giving you extra points. For example, if you make an 89 and your teacher gives a 3 point curve, your new grade would be a 92.

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curve means Bend

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If kept to a normal grading scale (not a curve), the grade would be a D- or F.

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Depends on how your teacher grades. Generally, that is not a very good grade. But it depends on the "curve" as to where the cutoff is for each letter grade.

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43 percent is usually an F, unless graded on a curve.

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Depending on various factors, and no curve, it will be about a D+.

Is it true that a normal distribution curve is symmetric about the mean?

yup, it's a bell curve

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It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

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The curve of your thumb is the part where it looks rounded, at the base of your thumb.

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7/10 = .7 = .70 = 70%. Usually a "C", depending on the "curve"

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6 wrong out of 30 leaves 24 correct out of 30. Divide 24 by 30 to get 80%. 80% is usually a B or a B-, unless grading is on a curve. If it is on a curve, then it is impossible for me to say without knowing what the curve is.

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Not applicable . No grade.