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The pH is define in the following way: pH = -log [H+] What that means is the pH is the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. So, if you have a pH = 0, that means that the concentration of H+ is equal to 1 molar, because -log(1) = 0. If you have a 1 M solution of any strong acid, the pH will be equal to zero.

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Q: What does it mean to have the pH of a solution equal to zero?
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Can an aqueous solution have a pH of zero?

No. pH is a log scale. You can't have a pH of zero. ---- Above answer left in to correct a misconception. Yes, you certainly can have a pH of zero. A 1 molar solution of a strong acid has a pH of zero, and stock HCl (roughly 12 molar) has a pH of about -1.1 or so. pH is the negative log of the hydrogen/hydronium ion concentration, which for a strong acid is approximately the same as the acid concentration. The log of 1 is zero, therefore the pH of a 1 molar solution of a strong acid is zero. The log of 10 is 1, therefore the pH of a 10 molar solution of a strong acid is -1.

Solution have a zero pH value?

Strongly Acidic

The solution has the pH of six with the solution contain more or fewer hydrogen ions then an equal volume of solution with a pH of 3?

An equal volume of solution with a pH of 6 will have fewer hydrogen ions compared to a solution with a pH of 3. This is because pH is a logarithmic scale, so each unit change in pH represents a 10-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration.

What is a more acidic pH?

A more acidic pH refers to a lower pH value on the pH scale, below 7. It indicates a higher concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, making it more acidic.

Does the pH of a neutral solution at room temperature equal the pOH of the solution?

Yes, for a neutral solution at room temperature, the pH and pOH values would be equal. Both would be around 7 due to the presence of equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions in the solution.

What is the pH of a solution with equal number of H plus and OH?

The pH of a neutral solution with equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions is 7. This is because the concentration of H+ ions equals the concentration of OH- ions in a neutral solution, resulting in a pH of 7.

What type of solution has a pH of 7.0?

A solution with a pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. It means that the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in the solution. Water at room temperature has a pH of 7.0.

An acidic solution has the pH balance of?

It should be between 2-5 in the ph scale if dissolved in water

What kind of solution has equal concentration of H plus and OH?

A neutral solution has an equal concentration of H+ and OH- ions. At room temperature, this corresponds to a pH of 7 on the pH scale.

What is the solution containing equal numbers of hydrogen and hydroxide?

A solution containing equal numbers of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) is a neutral solution with a pH of 7. This type of solution is also known as a neutral solution or pure water.

Are the hydroxide ions in a solution equal to the strength of the pH of that solution?

The concentration of hydroxide ions in a solution is related to the pH of the solution, but they are not exactly equivalent. The pH of a solution is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, while the pOH is a measure of the concentration of hydroxide ions. The two values are related by the formula: pH + pOH = 14.

What does pH 7 indicate?

A pH of 7 indicates a neutral solution, where the concentration of hydrogen ions is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions in the solution. This means that the solution is neither acidic nor basic.