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This is one of the laws of exponents, which states that

xa * xb = x(a+b)

The base is x, and the two powers (or exponents) are a and b.

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Q: What does it mean to multiply two powers having the same base and add the exponents?
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Related questions

When do add exponents?

when you multiply powers with the same base.

What is a rule that works for multiplying powers of the same base in exponents?

To multiply powers with the same base, you add the exponents. For example, 10^2 x 10^3 = 10^5. Similarly, to divide powers with the same base, you subtract the exponents. For example, 10^3 / 10^5 = 10^(-2).

What property can you use to multiply the expressions with exponents?

The Addition Property of Exponents. To multiply powers with the same base, add the exponents. e.g. 34 x 37 = 311, x2x3 = x5, and (3x2yz3)(2x5y2z) = 6x7y3z4.

When multiplying a number exponents that are squared do you add or multiply?

If the base numbers or variables are the same, you add the exponents.

What does the product rule of exponents?

When a base is raised to a power inside a quantity , multiply the two exponents to solve.

What does the product rule of exponents say?

When a base is raised to a power inside a quantity , multiply the two exponents to solve.

What are numbers expressed using exponents called?

Numbers expressed using exponents are called powers. When writing a number expressed as an exponent, the number is called the base. For example, in 23 two is the base.

What is the rule for multiply numbers with the same base but different exponents?

base x base result x Exponent

What is exponents?

it is a number on the top right of the number which shows how many times to multiply the base by itself. for example: 23=2x2x2 2 is the base, 3 is the exponent.

What are three laws of exponents for multiplication?

I can think of two: - To multiply powers with the same base, add the exponents: (a^b)(a^c) = a^(b+c). - To find a power of a product, apply the exponent to each factor in the product: (ab)^c = (a^c)(b^c).

When multiplying number do you add the exponents?

If you are multiplying powers of the same base (like 24 times 211), yes, you add the exponents.

What is the relationship between the exponents of the base and the exponent of the product?

when two numbers are multiplied together that are exponents you multiply the bases amd add the exponents the relationship would simply be that the product exponents are the sum of the exponents being multiplied in the question