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Q: What is the rule for multiplying powers with the same base and dividing power with the same base?
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Multiplying the base and the height and then dividing by two' give you an answer for?

The area of a triangle.

If you have 10 to the power of 6 and 10 to the power of 9 what is the product?

10 to the power of 15 when multiplying items with the same base (in this case 10) you simply add the powers

How do you simplify exponents or powers in algebra?

When multiplying exponents with the same base add them: x^3*x^2 = x^5 When dividing exponents with the same base subtract them: x^3/x^2 = x^1 or x

When multiplying number do you add the exponents?

If you are multiplying powers of the same base (like 24 times 211), yes, you add the exponents.

Unsure of working out power so an explanation and solution would be REALLY helpful. What is the answer to 27xyz with y to power 6 and z to power 5 divided by 39xyz with x to power 4 and yz to power 2?

27xy^6z^5 ____________ 39x^4y^2z^2 equals 9y^4z^3 ________ 13x^3 When dividing a like variable or base number with a power to another with the same base or variable to a power all you do is subtract the number in the power. When multiplying all you do is add the powers.

When you are multiplying or dividing does the exponent tell you how many spaces to move the decimal point?

Yes, but ONLY if the base is 10 .

What is 10 to the fourth power multiplied by 10 to the seventh power?

10^4 * 10^7 = 10^11 When multiplying exponents with the same base (in this case, 10), you add the exponents (4+7). If you were dividing, you'd subtract the exponents.

What is a rule for multiplying powers with the same base?

Add the powers: eg 3 squared times 3 cubed = 3 to the fifth More generally, if b is the base (bx )(by )=bx+y

What is the relation of the exponent rule and the power rule?

The exponent "product rule" tells us that, when multiplying two powers that The Product Rule is that when you have the same base, you can add the exponents.The quotient rule tells us that we can divide two powers with the same base by subtracting the exponents.The "power rule" tells us that to raise a power to a power, just multiply the exponents. Here you see that 52 raised to the 3rd power is equal to 56.

What is always true about the area of a rectangle?

You can always find the area of a triangle - by dividing the length of the base by 2, then multiplying that figure by the height.

How do you find the are of a triangle with base 10 and height 7?

As A=(lh)/2, it's just a bit of substitution, multiplying and dividing to get the area.

What does base to the zero power mean?

If something is to the 0 power it is 1 because you arent multiplying anything.