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Q: What does it mean to say two variables are positively correlated?
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Is women's intelligence proportional to the length of her skirt?

Skirt lengths and intelligence are randomly correlated having a correlation coefficient of zero to plus 0.15 ie knowing the measure of one does not predict the value of the other--they are independent variables. To say such and such are not correlated is to say you have not compared the variables. They may have identity with a value of plus one, or they may be inversely related having a value of negative one, or they may be randomly correlated with a value of zero--but to compare is to correlate.

When fractions are multiplied by variables you do not have to reduce them?

Generally, if you can reduce, you should, unless the directions say you don't have to.

What is the similarities between correlation analysis and regression analysis?

Correlation analysis seeks to establish whether or not two variables are correlated. That is to say, whether an increase in one is accompanied by either an increase (or decrease) in the other most of the time. It is a measure of the degree to which they change together. Regression analysis goes further and seeks to measure the extent of the change. Using statistical techniques, a regression line is fitted to the observations and this line is the best measure of how changes in one variable affect the other variable. Although the first of these variables is frequently called an independent or even explanatory variable, and the second is called a dependent variable, the existence of regression does not imply a causal relationship.

What does the word integerty mean?

it means that if you have a set of rules that you follow them and if somebody turns their back you still follow their rules instead of take advantage of the person that is there and also break the rules.

What are the examples of dependent and independent variables in sports?

1st answerer: Depedent variables: Are variables that depend on the independent variables. Independent variables: Are variables that do not depend on anything. Examples of dependent variables in sports - Baseball: The number of runs scored or a catch or out (basically the batsmen hitting the ball) - this depends on the pitcher actually bowling the bowl, because without the pitcher, there would be no use of the batsmen. Examples of independent variables in sports - Baseball: So, the pitcher is an independent variable - it does not depend on anything, simply pitches. Let's try soccer: Dependent variables: The goalie blocking a shot, or the goalie failing to block a shot. This depends on a player actually kicking the ball towards the net. Independent variables: Therefore if the player did not kick the ball, the goalie's purpose wouldn't exist. The player kicking the ball depends on nothing. Let's take soccer as an algebraic example: 1. Make a equation - Say you are a player at offense, and I am the goalie. For every 3 shots you take, you miss 2. Say you took 19 shots in a match. 2. This means the equation is: (19 x 3)-(19 x 2)=x. x = number of goals you scored. 3. Solve: 57 - 38 = 19. You scored 19 goals. Hope this helped!

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If the value of two variables decreases are they positively correlated?

Not necessarily. They must decrease together (the question does not say so). Also, the decreases may not be sufficient for the to be correlated. It is less likely that they are negatively correlated, but with the amount of information in the question that is about all that can be said.

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This means that the more years of experience that a person has the higher his or her income is likely to be.

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if two variables are positively related,it means that the two variables change in the same direction.that is,if the value of one of the variables increases,the value of the other variable too will increase.for example,if employment as an economic variable increases in a country,and price of goods too increases then we can say that these two variables(employment and price) are positively related

Is women's intelligence proportional to the length of her skirt?

Skirt lengths and intelligence are randomly correlated having a correlation coefficient of zero to plus 0.15 ie knowing the measure of one does not predict the value of the other--they are independent variables. To say such and such are not correlated is to say you have not compared the variables. They may have identity with a value of plus one, or they may be inversely related having a value of negative one, or they may be randomly correlated with a value of zero--but to compare is to correlate.

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You can say that the variables are inversely proportional.

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You add to it and say stuff. Coments (positive), answer and ask, you know

Correlation coefficient value mean?

The correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association between two (or more) variables. It does not measure non-linear relationships nor does it say anything about causality.

What does indepented variable mean?

Independent variable is one that does not vary with respect to other variables while other variables called the dependent variables varies with the variation of the independent variable. for ex: if 'x' is is an independent variable that represents say 'time' lets take another variable the dependent like volume(v) . now we say the volume (v) varies with respect to time and not the other way. so, here 'x' is independent variable & 'v' is dependent variable

What must be present in order to say that a correlation exists?

A relationship between variables

What must be present in order to say that correlation exist?

A relationship between variables