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Q: What does it mean to set in on trial?
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What does the legal phrase case set above black line mean?

The black line pool means a case was released for trial assignment. Once the case is set above the black line, it will be assigned a trial date within 30 days if all parties are ready for trial.

What is sales audit trial?

I assume you mean "audit trail". An audit trail is any system set up to check who did what, and when.

When is the trial of Irving H Kamsler set for?

No trial. It is over. Plead guility to every count.

Is our justice system set up to give suspected criminals a fair trial?

Is our justice system set up to give suspected Criminals a fair trial

What happens at the assignment to set trial date?

Well, honey, at the assignment to set trial date, the judge basically picks a date for the trial to start. It's like scheduling a dentist appointment, but with more drama and less flossing. So, get your calendar ready because it's time to see who's bringing the popcorn to this legal showdown.

What does it mean when a trial is vacated and how does it impact the legal proceedings?

When a trial is vacated, it means that the court has canceled or set aside the trial. This can happen for various reasons, such as errors in the legal process or new evidence coming to light. When a trial is vacated, it typically means that the legal proceedings will need to start over or be reconsidered in some way. It can impact the case by delaying the resolution and potentially changing the outcome of the trial.

Do judges set trial dates?

Yes, as they have certain days in their calender set for trials. If you have a conflict (have another trial, surgery, etc) you can ask that they put it on their calender on a different day.

The suspected murderer was exonerated by the jury and set free immediately after the trial ended?

"set free"

What does a trial mean?

A trial is a court proceeding when someone performs a criminal act.

What was the date of the trial?

There have been trials in Britain for hundreds of years. Which trial do you mean?

What does Pre Trial Hearing mean?

Both sides pretty much reveal their evidence and set forth the case strategy they intend to use in the upcoming trial. Sometimes, it is at these hearings, depending upon the strength of the prosecution's case, that plea bargains can be offered or arranged.

What was the date of the bristish trial?

There have been trials in Britain for hundreds of years. Which trial do you mean?