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It means that you manipulate the equation in such a way that the variable appears only on one side, by itself.

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Q: What does it mean to solve a formula for a variable that appears on both sides?
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How do I solve for the indicated variable in a mathematical formula?

Rearrange the formula so that the indicated variable is the subject of the mathematical formula.

How do you solve for a indicated variable in each scientific formula?

The answer will depend on the exact form of the formula.

How do you solve an equation with the same variable on both sides?

The variables may have different values.

How is transforming a formula similar to solving an equation with just one variable?

Sometimes we are given a formula, such as something from geometry, and we need to solve for some variable other than the "standard" one. For instance, the formula for the perimeter P of a square with sides of length s is P = 4s. We might need to solve this equation for s because we have a lot of squares' perimeters, and we want to plug those perimeter values into one formula and have that formula (maybe in our graphing calculator) spit out the value for the length of each square's side. This process of solving a formula for a specified variable is called "solving literal equations".

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Why is it important to be able to solve for the variable in a formula?

Solving for one variable makes it easy to put in a value for the other variables, and find a value for the first variable.

How do you solve variables on both sides equation using integer rules?

You first have to get rid of the numbers that don't have variables. then you divide by the variable and solve for it.

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How doI solve system of equations by substitution?

Assuming the simplest case of two equations in two variable: solve one of the equations for one of the variables. Substitute the value found for the variable in all places in which the variable appears in the second equation. Solve the resulting equation. This will give you the value of one of the variables. Finally, replace this value in one of the original equations, and solve, to find the other variable.

How do i manipulate formulas for density?

To manipulate formulas for density, you can rearrange the formula (Density = \frac{Mass}{Volume}) to solve for mass or volume by multiplying or dividing both sides of the equation by the corresponding variable. It's important to keep track of the units when manipulating the formula to ensure consistency. Additionally, you can use algebraic techniques such as isolating the variable you want to solve for or substituting known values to calculate the desired quantity.

What is the quadratic formula for?

The quadratic formula is used to solve the quadratic equation. Many equations in which the variable is squared can be written as a quadratic equation, and then solved with the quadratic formula.

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