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Sometimes we are given a formula, such as something from geometry, and we need to solve for some variable other than the "standard" one. For instance, the formula for the perimeter P of a square with sides of length s is P = 4s. We might need to solve this equation for s because we have a lot of squares' perimeters, and we want to plug those perimeter values into one formula and have that formula (maybe in our graphing calculator) spit out the value for the length of each square's side. This process of solving a formula for a specified variable is called "solving literal equations".

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Jase Heidi Bice

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Q: How is transforming a formula similar to solving an equation with just one variable?
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How is solving for a specified variable in a formula similar to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.

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A quadratic equation has two roots. They may be similar or dissimilar. As the highest power of a quadratic equation is 2 , there are 2 roots. Similarly, in the cubic equation, the highest power is 3, so it has three equal or unequal roots. So the highest power of an equation is the answer to the no of roots of that particular equation.

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An equation with only one variable has only one letter used in it, and that letter is usually an "x" An equation having two variables will have two different letters representing them, usually the letters "x" and "y" The first type could be the equation 5x^3 - 3x^2 + 6x - 50 = 0 The second type could be (x +y)^2 - 7x^3 + 12x = 58.8 1 equations with only 1 variable are usually much easier to solve than an equation with 2 variables, and you cannot solve the latter unless you have two separate equations containing the two variables.

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Is informatica an application or language?

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