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Q: What does it mean to value someone?
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That means that the very much admire you and value your opinions.

What is the value of a Babe Ruth card with a fake atograph?

The value depends on which card it is, and what you mean by fake autograph. If you mean a facsimile autograph, a copy of Babe Ruth's signature that is part of the printing of the card, then the value of the card will rely on the year, and the set the card is from. If you mean someone wrote on the card "Babe Ruth" then the value of the card will be drastically lowered in value, if any value at all.

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The dream expresses a longing to offer something of great value to this person.

What is expression and value?

I belive Expression means your expressing something you've either had on your mind or some kinda of emotion. I belive that value is something that means alot and That value isn't about the outside of someone its about the inside if someone really values you that mean they like you alot better from your personality then your looks!

Does pride affect your personality or character?

Pride can affect your character. Character is what you value. Saying someone is spiritual or studious is describing their character and what they value. Your personality is how someone acts like outgoing or quite or comical. Pride can mean you take pride and value in yourself or something else- Character.

What does it mean if someone keeps looking at you in church and is a woman and married and you are a girl?

maybe she wants you for her son...& knows that you value your religion!

Why do you use k after a numerical value?

It means thousand. So if someone said their salary is 200k then they mean 200 thousand.

What does the word significant mean?

Well, significant means something that has great value or something the is very important to something/someone

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How extreme value affect mean?

An extreme value will drag the mean value towards it.

What does it mean if someone calls you legit?

If someone calls you "legit," it means they find you genuine, trustworthy, or authentic. It could suggest that they value your honesty and integrity in your actions and interactions.