It means, that is a fraction! But, when the numerator is larger than the denominator, Its an Improper fraction! When the fraction looks like this, ex: 5 and 3/9, its a mixed number. And thats the magical wonderland of Math!
6x is the numerator 9z is the denominator The numerator is the number on the top of the fraction and the denominator in the number on the bottom of the fraction.
It's a fraction. X is your numerator and 5 is your denominator.
1 and 3 fifths! easy peesy! this is how i did it...: how many 5s(denominator) goes into 8(numerator) =1 how many left over?= 3 over the beginning denominator.
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
If the two bottom numbers are the same, you will carry that same number over to the denominator in the answer. To get the numerator (top number) simply subtract the two numerator and place the number over the answer denominator.
the numerator goes over the denominator 1 numerator _ 2 denominator
For ALL fractions ; Numerator(top) / denominator(bottom(. Hence 1 over 7 = 1/7 '1' is numerator and '7' is the denominator.
6x is the numerator 9z is the denominator The numerator is the number on the top of the fraction and the denominator in the number on the bottom of the fraction.
It's a fraction. X is your numerator and 5 is your denominator.
Evidently, 12 over 6 is an improper fraction and you can simplify this by dividing the denominator and numerator by 6 (a number that goes into both the denominator and numerator). This gives you 2/1, which as a mixed number is 2.It's 2 basically
Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add the numerator, and put the total over the denominator.
The reciprocal of 1 over 4 is 4 over 1. To get the reciprocal the numerator becomes the denominator and the denominator becomes the numerator.
1 and 3 fifths! easy peesy! this is how i did it...: how many 5s(denominator) goes into 8(numerator) =1 how many left over?= 3 over the beginning denominator.
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
Convert this into an improper fraction (one that has only numerator and denominator). Then simply exchange the numerator and the denominator.
If the two bottom numbers are the same, you will carry that same number over to the denominator in the answer. To get the numerator (top number) simply subtract the two numerator and place the number over the answer denominator.
Yes. If the numerator (on top) is higher or equal to the denominator (bottom) than its an improper fraction. If the numerator and denominator are the same then the fraction is considered a whole number and always comes out 1. If the numerator is higher than the denominator then you must divide the numerator by the denominator.