When 2 numbers have their GCF = 1, it means that the numbers are relatively prime to each other, which doesn't necessarily mean that they are prime on their own.
There are 2 cases where relative prime can be guarenteed:
All prime numbers are guarenteed to be relatively prime to all other prime numbers.
Any Prime number is guarenteed to be relatively prime to any composite number smaller than the prime number.
If neither of the above 2 conditions are met, manual calculations must be done to find any existing GCF.
The GCF of these numbers is 1.
The two numbers are coprime so the gcf is 1.
Since both the numbers are prime, their GCF is 1.
GCF(343, 512) = 1; the numbers are coprime.
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
Two numbers are considered relatively prime when their GCF is 1.
If one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, the smaller number is the GCF. If the two numbers are prime numbers, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive even numbers, the GCF is 2.
Consecutive numbers have a GCF of 1.
The GCF of all the composite numbers under 100 is 1. For e.g 4 & 9 are composite numbers & their GCF is 1, so if we take other composite numbers along with 4 & 9 the GCF will be 1.
Prime and relatively prime numbers all have a GCF of 1.
The GCF is: 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 1.