it means your being watched. take precautions for yourself. avoid negative energy that attracts the shadow people.
figure math means figure math
It means to have a question and to figure it out to solve the question.
A chessboard is tessellated, so I assume it is a figure that is checkered.
When a figure is not symmetrical, that means that there is no one line that will split the figure so that the corresponding sides are equal.
A figure that is the same shape as another but could be a different size.
Silhouetted means to see only the outline of a figure, the rest is usually dark and the details are usually unidentifiable
Sleep Paralysis
A dark figure seen in dreams could have several different meanings. Very generally, a dark figure could represent something in real life that is threatening but is not clearly identified or understood. Alternatively, a dark figure might represent the dreamer's Shadow, the part of the dreamer's personality that contains unacceptable thoughts, anger, and violent urges. The appearance of the Shadow could mean that the dreamer is struggling to keep suppressed anger or other urges under control.
go see them both and figure it out yourself
Not nessicarily-- rabbits are nocturnal. I have one myself. I certainly don't think it can see in the dark. Owls, though are nocturnal and can see in the dark. However, rabbits cannot.
Not from Earth.Now if by the dark side, you mean the actual dark side, the one facing away from the Sun, then you cannot see it just as you cannot see any dark body.If by the dark side, you mean the side facing away from Earth (the far side), then you can send spacecraft to see the other side.That would cost a lot of time and money.
It doesn't mean exactly what it seems to -- nothing can see in total darkness because the eye needs some light to work. However, you say that some animals can "see in the dark" when they can see in very little light.
i don't whant to be mean but this is not a real question because dark can just go and go ect........ Dark is when you cannot see your hand in front of your face.
If you mean Kate Sheppard, historical figure-see below
I think you mean "Fantail" and the answer is goldfish can see no better or worse in the dark than most other fish. They are normal in their light requirements.
Your photography instructor; wondering why the heck the lights are on in the dark room.
it means you've gone insane.