It means to have a question and to figure it out to solve the question.
figure math means figure math
A chessboard is tessellated, so I assume it is a figure that is checkered.
When a figure is not symmetrical, that means that there is no one line that will split the figure so that the corresponding sides are equal.
A figure that is the same shape as another but could be a different size.
"Figure" can be a written symbol of a number or a diagram or a geometrical shape. It is also used as a word in place of "calculate".
figure math means figure math
It mean you do not mean it
A Five figure income can mean any figure from 10,000 to 99,999
An equilateral figure means that the figure has all sides that are the same length.
the figure is (4x+56)=45.45389
Classify the figure means to tell what the figure is called or what it's proper name is.
The base is the bottom of the figure and the height is how tall the figure is.
It means you have found the distance around that figure.
A chessboard is tessellated, so I assume it is a figure that is checkered.
you will figure it out when you get there!
When a figure is not symmetrical, that means that there is no one line that will split the figure so that the corresponding sides are equal.
"une figure intelligente" means "an intelligent face".