The definition for length of segment is the distance between the endpoints of s segment
i's asimetric division of a segment or an angle
-- Draw a line segment . . . a piece of a line, with ends. Leave enough roomat each end of the drawing for an upper-case character.-- Select one end of the line segment in the drawing. Near that end, write ' A ' .-- Near the other end of the segment, write ' B '.
If you travel along the length of the segment from one end to the other, whether it is curved or straight, you can measure its length. The midpoint is the spot on the segment at this mid length, equidistant from the endpoints when moving on the segment.
the segment of the whole
A line segment is a line that has 2 endpoints and all the points in between
To label something you give the product a name or price etc.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "segment" but the Constitution is divided into segments called Articles.
Halal label
I have no idea what you are asking. What do you mean by "manufacture label"?
It is the point at which a line segment ends!
If you mean voided-cancelled
It depends on what you mean by selling out. If you mean not signing to a major record label, then yes. If you mean not going mainstream, yes, but if a lot of people like what you are doing, you can automatically go mainstream without changing. If you are signed to a major record label, the label can force you to change your style.
Preparing a two minute television segment means just that. The television segment is only available as a two minute slot so all of the material needs to be done and finished within the two minutes provided for that specific segment.
LUS means lower uterine segment.
Telegrams are sent in data packets. Bits packet frame segment data mean data packet and they belongs to Data link layer. Bye.