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Q: What does m represent in numbers?
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M and N represent 2 different postitive whole?

m and n are two different letters there numbers are different also

What does m represent?

m can either represent mass or moles, depending on the context.

Capital or small case letters that represent numbers?

Roman numerals represent numbers using a combination of capital letters such as I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. These letters are used in place of Arabic numerals to indicate numerical values.

What do you represent 1000000000 in roman numerals?

It is: (M)M which means 1000*1000*1000 = 1,000,000,000 or 1.0*109 in scientific notation But in all reality the Romans had no need for such large numbers.

What are the standard units for apparent brightness?

The apparent brightness is assigned a unit called "magnitude", abbreviated "m". Lower numbers mean a brighter star. It is a logarithmic scale, such that every 5 numbers represent a factor of 100; a difference of 1m corresponds, approximately, to a factor of 2.5.The apparent brightness is assigned a unit called "magnitude", abbreviated "m". Lower numbers mean a brighter star. It is a logarithmic scale, such that every 5 numbers represent a factor of 100; a difference of 1m corresponds, approximately, to a factor of 2.5.The apparent brightness is assigned a unit called "magnitude", abbreviated "m". Lower numbers mean a brighter star. It is a logarithmic scale, such that every 5 numbers represent a factor of 100; a difference of 1m corresponds, approximately, to a factor of 2.5.The apparent brightness is assigned a unit called "magnitude", abbreviated "m". Lower numbers mean a brighter star. It is a logarithmic scale, such that every 5 numbers represent a factor of 100; a difference of 1m corresponds, approximately, to a factor of 2.5.

What number is represented by CC in roman numbers?

The letter 'm' represents 1000 in roman numerals The letters CC represent two hundred.

What do horizontal numbers represent?

In the Argand diagram (complex plane), numbers on the horizontal axis represent real numbers.

What do he horizontal numbers represent?

In the Argand diagram (complex plane), numbers on the horizontal axis represent real numbers.

What does the roman numeral mcxlv represent?

One thousand is represented by the letter M and fifty by the letter L. This would mean 1145 in Arabic numbers.

What does M represent for quantity?


What does the M represent in mAOB?

m stands for measure

Why do ratios represent averages rather than definite numbers?

They do not. They can represent definite numbers just as well and definite numbers can be averages.