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Q: What does measures of variation mean?
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In Statistics what is a quantity that measures the variation of a population or sample relative to its mean?

Inter-quartile range, other percentile ranges, mean absolute variation, variance, standard error, standard deviation are all possible measures.

How can you describe variation in a set of data?

measures of variation

What is the difference between standard deviation and coefficient of variation?

standard deviation only measures the average deviation of the given variable from the mean whereas the coefficient of variation is = sd\mean Written as "cv" If cv>1 More variation If cv<1 and closer to 0 Less variation

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by how can you find measures of variation?

Determine Coefficient of variation from the mean and standard deviation?

Coeff of Variation = Mean/SD

Which is an appropriate display to show the measures of variation for a data set?

There are a number of appropriate displays to show the measures of variation for a data set. Different graphs can be used for this purpose which may include histograms, stemplots, dotplots and boxplots among others.

What are compensating variation and equivalent variation curves?

Compensating variation and equivalent variation curves show the relationship between changes in income and the associated changes in consumer surplus. Compensating variation measures the amount of income needed to keep a consumer at the same utility level after a price change, while equivalent variation measures the amount of income needed to achieve the same utility level as before the price change. These curves help analyze the welfare impact of price or income changes on consumers.

What variation is used to develope the motive in measures 17-20?

Try Retrograde Motion or Diminution

Which measure of dispersion represents variation from the mean?

Are you talking of this in means of Statistics? If you are, then the variation from the mean is measured in standard deviation.

What variation technique is used to develop the motive in measures 17-20?

Try Retrograde Motion or Diminution

What does Variation mean in music?

variation in music is when it starts at panio and ends in fortay

Circle the main motive what variation technique is used to develop the motive in measures 17 - 20?

The main motive in measures 17 - 20 is descending step-wise motion. The variation technique used to develop this motive could be augmentation, diminution, inversion, retrograde, or fragmentation.