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Q: What does mothers TPAL score of 0-0-1-0 mean?
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The obstetric history of a woman who has had four pregnancies, one of which ended in a miscarriage before she reached the 20-week mark.

What does it mean if the Z score of a test is equal to 0?

If the Z Score of a test is equal to zero then the raw score of the test is equal to the mean. Z Score = (Raw Score - Mean Score) / Standard Deviation

Is a negative z score always an indicator that the raw score is below the mean?

Yes.z = (raw score - mean)/standard error.Since the standard error is positive, z < 0 => (raw score - mean) < 0 => raw score < mean.

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What does a positive Z-score mean?

it means that the score is above the mean

What does 0010 hours mean in wars?

10mins. Military time is as follows: 0001 hrs is 1 minute. 0010 hrs is 10 minutes. 0100 hrs is an hour. 1000 hrs is 10 hrs. So, like, 2130 hrs would be 9:30pm civilian time.

Is professional wives are bad mothers?

No Definitely not! Just because they work a lot doesn't necessarily mean they are bad mothers it just mean they are different from stay at home mothers.

Is it true any score with value less than the population mean will have a negative z-score?

Yes. If a score is below the mean, the z score will be negative.

What does a negative z-score mean?

z-score of a value=(that value minus the mean)/(standard deviation). So if a value has a negative z-score, then it is below the mean.

Calculate the z-score for a test score of 87 if the mean test score is 81.1 and standrd deviation is 11.06?

z score = (test score - mean score)/SD z score = (87-81.1)/11.06z score = 5.9/11.06z score = .533You can use a z-score chart to calculate the probability from there.

What does four score mean?

a score is equal to twenty, so four score is 80

What does score mean in maths EG three score minus sixteen?

Score = 20