

What does negative 3 means?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does negative 3 means?
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X is between negative three and zero- inclusive. - What does the 'inclusive' part mean?

It means X can also be equal to -3 or 0. -3 >= X >= 0 means "X is between negative three and zero- inclusive" -3 > X > 0 means "X is between negative three and zero" = =

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depends ...... a. 7(-3) means 7 times (negative 3) b. (-1) negative # c. -(9) the opposite of nine

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Well,there is no integer but maybe this will help: 15 degrees below 0 means that its negative it also means that it is cold so the answer would be -15 because its negative negative numbers are -1 -2 -3 and positive numbers are 1 2 3 so up means positive and negative means down or below

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To get a negative number when multiplying, that means you are multiplying a positive number by a negative number:1 x -3=-3or-1 x 3=-3

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The English word for -4-(+3) would be "What is negative 4 when you take 3 more away from it. This means 3 less than -4 or -7Therefor -4 -(+3) =-7

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It means that the term for which 3 is the coefficient is meant to be subtracted.

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It means 1 over 103 So, 10-3 = 1/1000

What does the word negative means in math?

Negative in math means any number below zeroexample: -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10each bold number = a negative number

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Here is how you get it...The question: 3-(-5)This would be what you would say;Right 3, left, turn around, right 5So that means that your answer will be 8"And your final answer is 8"

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above your post? that means you have negative 3 characters left, or you're 3 characters over the limit.

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I dont really understand the question, but that sounds like a math term. it means negative 2, negative 3, and 2a. a is going to be a variable that you will more than likely have to solve for.