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It means that the pre-image and image are on opposite sides of the centre of magnification.

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Q: What does negative sign if the value of magnification of a mirror indicate?
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To solve for the radius of curvature of the mirror, you can use the mirror magnification formula: M = -d_i/d_o, where M = 0.33, d_i = -19.5 m, and d_o is the object distance. Rearranging the formula to d_o = d_i / M gives an object distance of -59 m. Plugging this value into the mirror equation 1/f = 1/d_i + 1/d_o with 19.5 m as the object distance, you can solve for the mirror's radius of curvature, which is approximately 29 m.

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If the absolute value of the negative is bigger than that of the positive, then the answer is negative. If the absolute value of the negative is the same, then zero. If the absolute value of the negative is smaller, then positive. Absolute value is the value ignoring the sign.

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No, the product of the multiplication of a positive and a negative value is negative.

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The formula y=Mx + B is the slope intercept equation of a line. If you where to graph this on a 2 dimensional graph with x and y axes the number represented by M would be the slope of the line. A positive value of M would mean a positive slope and the line will rise as one views it from left to right. A negative value of M would indicate a negative slope and the line will descend as one views it from left to right. A value of zero for M would indicate a horizontal line.

Will a negative number to the fifth power be a positive or negative value?

The result will be a negative value.

Can an absolute value equal a negative?

An absolute value can not be negative.