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Q: What does nominal form mean?
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What is the nominal form of the french verb 'habiter'?

The nominal form of the French verb "habiter" is "habitation."

What mean by nominal size of aggregate?

Nominal size is the size of the largest aggregate in a grading.

What is the nominal form of the French verb 'partir'?

Départ is the nominal form of the French verb partir. The present infinitive means "to depart" in English so its noun form -- in the masculine singular -- is the French equivalent of "departure." The pronunciation will be "dey-par" for the noun and "par-teer" for the verb.

What is the Difference between nominal and actual cooling capacity?

In general actual capacity is bit less than the nominal capacity of any form

What is the nominal form of the french verb 'épargner'?

épargner means 'to save'

What is a post-nominal. Give examples of post-nominal letters?

A post-nominal is the short form of qualification after your name. An example might be PhD or CPA. In the US they often begin with the letter "C" meaning certified.

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What does the nominal interest rate mean?

A nominal interest rate is an interest rate that does not factor in the rate on inflation. Nominal interest rate could also refer to an interest rate that does not adjust for the full effect of compounding.

What does dn300 mm size mean?

That means Nominal Diameter is 300 mm

What is the past participle for voir?

The nominal form is the infinitive used as a noun, so it is always the same as the infinitive. In that case, "voir" (to see). Example: "Voir rouge est un défaut" (literally "to see red", meaning "to be angry", "is a fault") "Voir" here is used as a noun (nominal) and is the subject of the verb "est" (is). It is not a common verb to use in nominal form.

What do you mean by nominal diameter in pipes?

NB (nominal bore) is the European designation equivalent to NPS is DN (diamètre nominal/nominal diameter/Durchmesser nach Norm), in which sizes are measured in millimeters. NB (nominal bore) is also frequently used interchangeably with NPS.You can refer more details here

What does it mean for size DN 50?

DN": Diametre nominel - Nominal diameter of the valve, and "50" is the size of the valve in [mm]. Alternative is NPS (Nominal pipe size in inches).