In regards to monetary charges, it means you are billed once.
More or less, it is something that happens a single instance.
A recurring decimal is a rational number, a non-recurring one may be rational (for example 0.2 = 1/5) or irrational.
If the prime factorisation of the fraction's denominator consists only of the primes 2 and/or 5 it will be a non-recurring decimal; otherwise it will.
Two: recurring and non-recurring. Note that recurrence may not start straight away. For example, 257/700 = 0.36714285... where the first to digits after the decimal point are not part of the recurring sequence.
recurring numbers are numbers that repeat forever like 3.3333333333...etc non-recurring numbers either terminate like 22, or 7.5 OR they go on forever but totally randomly like pi- 3.1415...etc
Some non-terminating decimals are repeating decimals.
Non-recurring means if you sign up for some kind of membership it means you will not be able to cancel it
Terminating. Non-terminating but recurring. Non-terminating and non-recurring.
A recurring decimal is a rational number, a non-recurring one may be rational (for example 0.2 = 1/5) or irrational.
the number that never ends and never repeats the same format is called non terminating non recurring decimals
If the prime factorisation of the fraction's denominator consists only of the primes 2 and/or 5 it will be a non-recurring decimal; otherwise it will.
It is a non non-terminating, non-recurring decimal. It is an irrational number.
If it is a terminating or recurring decimal then it is not irrational. If it is an infinite, non-recurring decimal, it is irrational.
It mean Non-Recurring Engineering cost which means the cost to pay for a team to research, develop, design, and test a new product.
Two: recurring and non-recurring. Note that recurrence may not start straight away. For example, 257/700 = 0.36714285... where the first to digits after the decimal point are not part of the recurring sequence.