That's the top number in a fraction.
the highest number that a numerator increased by its GCF
It is a proper fraction when the numerator is less than the denominator as for example 3/4
The top number of a fraction.
It means, that is a fraction! But, when the numerator is larger than the denominator, Its an Improper fraction! When the fraction looks like this, ex: 5 and 3/9, its a mixed number. And thats the magical wonderland of Math!
The Numerator is the top number in a fraction. In the fraction 1/2, "1" is the numerator.
That's the top number in a fraction.
the top number of a fraction
the highest number that a numerator increased by its GCF
The numerator, to put it simply, is the top number of a fraction. EX: 6/7 --> 6 is the numerator
A fraction where the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.
It is a proper fraction when the numerator is less than the denominator as for example 3/4
The mean of a single number is itself. So the mean of a numerator will be the numerator.
The top number of a fraction.
numerator, number, negative
It means, that is a fraction! But, when the numerator is larger than the denominator, Its an Improper fraction! When the fraction looks like this, ex: 5 and 3/9, its a mixed number. And thats the magical wonderland of Math!
When you multiply fractions just line them up (denominator and denominator, numerator and numerator) then multiply across. Simplify.