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Q: What does on or near the line side mean?
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When you turn on the ac it link s inside your car on to the carpet 1994 Saturn?

A/C drain line is plugged. Clean out the drain line, located passenger side, near the firewall, under the car. A/C drain line is plugged. Clean out the drain line, located passenger side, near the firewall, under the car. A/C drain line is plugged. Clean out the drain line, located passenger side, near the firewall, under the car.

What is the line that goes around the globe with a parallel line?

Do you mean, like, the Earth? The equator. If you mean the line going from side to side across the middle of a circle then... the diameter of a circle

What does the word appose mean?

To place side by side or near to each other

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The broken line on your side means you can cross over while the people in the other lane can't.

How do you fix the AC from blowing out the defrost on a 1997 Dodge 1500 4x4?

Look for a broken vacuum line coming out near the ac lines on the passenger side under the hood.Look for a broken vacuum line coming out near the ac lines on the passenger side under the hood.

What does a solid line to the right of the center line of the highway mean?

no passing on your side of the road. only the other side

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No passing, when it is on the other side you can pass.

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Passenger side near firewall. Where the small line turns into the big line. FYI, that's where the orifice tube is

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The sewer cleanout is typically located on the side of the house near the main sewer line.

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Where is the low side for adding freon to 1997 suburban?

Typically near the accumilator, which is the aluminum vertical capsule near the passenger side of the firewall. The low fill valve will be on a line going to the accumilator.

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You mean on the US or Mexican side?