The question is about hundred thousandths, not hundred thousand, so the answer is 0.0007.
It looks like this : 100,000,000 = one hundred million = 108
Six hundred million forty-three thousand two hundred one = 600,043,201
Eight hundred and forty thousand = 840,000
Seven hundred and forty thousand is written as 740,000 in number form. This number consists of three significant digits - 7, 4, and 0 - in the hundreds, tens of thousands, and thousands places, respectively. The comma is used to separate the hundreds from the thousands in order to make the number easier to read and understand.
You may write it like this: forty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-four cents. If you convert to dollars, it would look like this: four hundred fifty-seven dollars and thirty-four cents.
As a number it is 600 = 6 hundred
A forty something black man.