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Q: What does parallel male lead means?
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Who are the main characters in taming of the shrew?

The male lead is called Petruchio and the female lead is called Katherine. She is the "shrew" in the title, a word which means a bad-tempered woman.

What does the word parallel have to do with geography?

Parallel means a line of latitude. ----

How male power in society lead sexual abuse?

the male power in society lead sexual abuse is male dominant.

Why shunt resistance is connected in the parallel?

Shunt means parallel only..................

Do parallel lines touch diagonally?

No, they are parallel, which means they never touch.

Who is the main charcketor in west side stories?

Depends whether you mean the lead male or female. Lead Male is Tony Lead Female is Maria

Who is the male lead of The Twilight Saga eclipse?

There isn't really one lead guy. There is Edward, Jacob and Jasper can be seen as the male lead in this book.

Who is the parallel lead in Harry Potter movie?

Voldemort or Dumbledore

Does parallel mean side by side?

Yes, parallel means that two lines do not cross but lay side-by-side. Perpendicular is the opposite of parallel and means two lines intersecting.

What is and antonyms?

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a pair of words... Some examples would be :- male & female, long & short, lead & follow.

What actors and actresses appeared in Parallel Parkering - 2012?

The cast of Parallel Parkering - 2012 includes: Jesper Maintz Andersen as Male

Is a line parallel to itself?

Two lines are not parallel if they have exactly one point in common; otherwise they are parallel. So this means a line is parallel to itself!