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Q: What does parallel means in writing?
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Do parallel lines touch diagonally?

No, they are parallel, which means they never touch.

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Yes, parallel means that two lines do not cross but lay side-by-side. Perpendicular is the opposite of parallel and means two lines intersecting.

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Is a line parallel to itself?

Two lines are not parallel if they have exactly one point in common; otherwise they are parallel. So this means a line is parallel to itself!

Parallel consruction means that you?

the answer is d.

Which determines if a sentence is parallel?

A sentence is parallel when its components (such as words, phrases, or clauses) are structured in a consistent and balanced way. This means that items in a list should have the same grammatical form, such as all being nouns or all being verbs, to show equal importance and clear organization. Parallel structure improves readability and clarity in writing.

Do parallel lines meet at right angles?

No because they are parallel.......that means that they never meet.

What angle form when two line parallel?

No angle is formed. That's what parallel means.

why are parallel structure is important in writing because?

The author uses parallelism to get directly to the point of something. For example, I came. I saw. I conquered. As you see in this statement you know exactly what the person did without a long explaination.