

What does patently false mean?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What does patently false mean?
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Meaning of patently false?

Obviously untrue.

Why is true that the diagonals of a pentagon intersect on an one vertex?

There is no reason because the statement for which you are seeking a reason is patently FALSE. Consider a pentagram, for example.

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One possible conjecture is that their sum is 27. The conjecture is patently false, but that does not stop it being a conjecture.

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Gynecomastia is mostly caused by smoking weed.Another answer:The previous statement is PATENTLY FALSE. Gynecomastia is a genetic aberration.

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Although his answer seemed on the level, his body language made it clear that he was patently lying.

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It is purple.Since the predicate, "3 tenths is greater than 80" is patently false, then any statement predicated on that falsehood is logically valid.

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Patently you can

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Did you possibly mean one of the following? Endurably: capable of being endured; bearable; tolerable. Indubitably: that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.

How do you use the word certitude in a sentence?

The only way to possess such unwavering certitude in such patently false beliefs is to be either delusional or just plain stupid.His certitude is not proof of the accuracy of his testimony, since eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable.

The number of sides in a prism is a multiple of three true or false?

If you mean edges, true. If you mean faces, false.

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Generally accepted to mean pseudo or fake or imitation.

Suing plaintiff for false police report?

Highly unlikely. There is a criminal charge to cover such eventualities. You need to speak to the agency which received the report originally to get their impression of the truthfulness of the report. If it can be proven to their satisfaction that the report was patently false, they can take criminal action against the reporting person. THEN - you might possibly have sojme kind of civil case against them.