

What does pentagonal look like?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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11y ago

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"Pentagonal" is an adjective, not a noun so a pentagonal cannot exist. You can have a pentagonal plane shape, a pentagonal pyramid,a pentagonal dipyramid,a pentagonal prism and so on and each of them will look different.

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11y ago
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11y ago

hi a pentagon looks like i think it has 5 sides

add me on moshi lauren10039

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The base of a pentagonal prism is a pentagon. Just like a square pyramid has a square for a base, a pentagonal prism has a pentagon for a base.

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look up dodecahedron(regular, probably what you want), decagonal prism, hendecagonalpyramid, hexagonal dipyramid, pentagonal antiprism, or hexagonal deltohedron, just to name a few.

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Volume of a pentagonal prism?

Base times height.For details look it up on!

WHAT shape has 1 pentagonal base?

A pentagonal pyramid.

How many vertices edges and faces on a pentagonal pyramid?

A pentagonal pyramid has 6 faces. It has 10 edges and 6 vertices. It looks just like a pentagon on face and has a point at the top.

What does a pentagonal cylinder looks like?

well umm i dont really know i was just checking if there was any ways ? but if you ever google this ill tell you that i think that theirs no pentagonal cylinder..

How do you put pentagonal in a sentence?

That square is one leg short of being a pentagonal figure. The association will be meeting in the pentagonal room today.

What has two pentagonal bases five lateral parallelogram faces?

A pentagonal prismoid. If the lateral faces were rectangles, it would be a pentagonal prism.