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Q: What objects are look like a pentagonal prism?
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What are Pentagonal prism used for?

A house can look like a pentagonal prism, they aren't really used for anything (Well what can you imagine?). Hope it helped ;)

What does pentagonal look like?

"Pentagonal" is an adjective, not a noun so a pentagonal cannot exist. You can have a pentagonal plane shape, a pentagonal pyramid,a pentagonal dipyramid,a pentagonal prism and so on and each of them will look different.

Volume of a pentagonal prism?

Base times height.For details look it up on!

How do you find the volume of a pentagonal prism?

The cross section area times the height (or length depending on how you look at it). What is the area of the pentagon? how high/long is the prism?

What does a 12-faced polyhedron look like?

look up dodecahedron(regular, probably what you want), decagonal prism, hendecagonalpyramid, hexagonal dipyramid, pentagonal antiprism, or hexagonal deltohedron, just to name a few.

What is the similarity and difference between a tetrahedron and a pentagonal prism?

A tetrahedron and a pentagonal prism are both three-dimensional geometric shapes, but they have different properties and characteristics. Here's a comparison of their similarities and differences: Similarities: Both are Polyhedra: Both the tetrahedron and the pentagonal prism are polyhedra, which means they are solid geometric shapes with flat faces, edges, and vertices. Three-Dimensional: They exist in three-dimensional space, which means they have length, width, and height. Differences: Number of Faces: A tetrahedron has four faces. These faces are all triangular. A pentagonal prism has seven faces. It has two pentagonal (5-sided) faces, one on the top and one on the bottom, and five rectangular faces that connect the corresponding sides of the pentagons. Number of Edges: A tetrahedron has six edges. A pentagonal prism has 15 edges. Number of Vertices: A tetrahedron has four vertices. A pentagonal prism has 10 vertices. Shape of Faces: In a tetrahedron, all the faces are triangular, and the angles between the faces are all 60 degrees. In a pentagonal prism, the two top and bottom faces are pentagonal (5-sided), while the other five faces are rectangular. The angles between the faces vary; for example, the angles between the rectangular faces and the pentagonal faces are not all equal. Symmetry: Tetrahedra typically have more symmetric properties compared to pentagonal prisms. Tetrahedra have rotational and reflectional symmetries that are different from those of a pentagonal prism

What objects look like a rectangular prism?

a kleenex box, a Nintendo ds gaming system, a computer tower, a text book, and a picture frame.

What does an oblique prism look like?

An oblique prism looks slanted.

What does a net of a rectangular prism look like?

thigs that look like a rectangular prism brick and klenex box - thank you :0)

Why does a pyramid only have one base and a prism has 2 bases?

becaus a prism is the same in 2 sides, so it looks the same either way, where as a pyramid with more than 3 sides for its base, like a square pyramid, a hexagonal pyramid, a pentagonal pyramid, etc., doesn't look the same if it stands on one of its triangles.

What is a octagon prism look like?

An octagonal prism has two parallel faces that are octagons and parallelograms connecting them. A rectangular prism is like a box.

How does a triangular prism look like?

a triangular prism has a triangle for the bottom and has 3 faces like a pyramid