That's the first step to move the selected text or graphics. To go into a bit more detail, Ctrl-X is the "Cut" command. It erases the selected text, graphics, etc., from the document, and places it in a temporary storage. You can then recover this later - somewhere else in the document - with the "Paste" command (the shortcut is Ctrl-V).
Magnify the information displayed on the screen.
Changes the font to "underscore".
It lets you format the cell
Try pressing Ctrl and - at the same time.
ctrl+s is used to save the document.
It does nothing. Pressing CTRL and the + sign zooms in your screen though
It brings you to the end of the file you are working on like your Word document, Excel worksheet or Powerpoint presentation.
Try pressing <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Esc> instead.
[CTRL]+C is achieved by holding CTRL while pressing C.
It inserts a manual page break.
Undoing last performed action
trt...... Ctrl shift enter is page break. Meaning it forms a new page.
To enlarge the erasers click on the sizes you want and if u want it bigger press ctrl+ + (ctrl plus +) I found out by pressing ctrl and + on the number pad, you know where the button Num Lock is. Then if you want it to be smaller, press ctrl and - (ctrl, +) and (ctrl, -) on the Number Pad.
It is used to bring you to the start of the document.
Pressing the Control (ctrl) key and clicking the mouse replicates a Right Click and provides a contextual menu of options to select.