pwned is shorthand for Perfectly Owned in Video Games. As in a first-person shooter (or similar game where you play against other people) when you attack another player and you take no damage in return, you would say you perfectly owned the defeated. "You were so pwned"
"pwn" comes from the online gaming world and was originally a mistyping of the word "own." Thus, it is pronounced PONE, and means "own" as in totally defeat. For example, "I really pwned you in that last game."
By the way, some folks apparently want to pronounce it "pawn" but the consensus is that "pone" is preferred.
It is internet for OWNED -- people type P instead of O because the letters are next to one another, and internet geeks started spelling OWN as PWN on purpose as part of "Leet Speek."
The slang term Pwn, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture can meanto own,have mastery over,and/or to soundly defeat an opponent.It is sometimes used for taunting enemies in-game and rubbing in victories. It can also be used by non-gamers, in real world contexts. e.g. "I got "pwned" by my manager".In internet security jargon, to "pwn" means "to compromise" or "to control", specifically another computer (server or PC), web site, gateway device, or application; it is synonymous with one of the definitions of hacking. An outside party who has "owned" or "pwned" a system has obtained unauthorized administrative control of the system.Answer"Pwned" is slang for "owned." In this context owned means deafeted decisively. As an example you could say, "The 1992 US Olympic basketball team pwned the competition.""pwned" means to be owned. This word is more apt to be used in online gaming. For example:"Your team lost so fast, you were totally pwned!"It is thought that someone had tried to type owned and accidentally hit the "p" on the keyboard, or a programmer spelled owned wrong so when someone lost it said "(someone) was pwned." Instead of "(someone) was owned." Either way it happened it is now widely used as a term to signify that someone has lost and been completely owned.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
It really matters on who or what you are trying to pwn. You can pwn a person by saying a hrmful joke about them. You can pwn a video game by completing it with flying colors. Is "How do pwn?" even a sentence?
it means ur a noob noob and pwn means u got owned wich orgirnated from cat witch came from lamp
No pwn is a misspelling of the word own therefore no it is not.
You, nøøb.
i pwn.
You would have to hack your game. But who would be hartless enogh to PWN a pokemon?
Its when you totally PAAWAN some noobs. eg. Don't make me pwn you noob. I will seriously PAAWAN you!
Because i am awesome.
All you have to do is use melee! Equip a bronze dagger and a wooden shield to pwn those n00bs.
Pwn Stars
He plays runescape.
Chipmunks pwn