The direction in which the trend analysis points.
Errors are normally distributed with mean 0 .
Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.
In statistical analysis, the range is the lowest to highest score. The median is the exact middle, and the mean is the numerical average.
It means half quantitative. So analysis gives approximation, but not exact result.
Phonetic Analysis is the analysis of the sounds of a thing.
crude analysis
Analysis of a person's emotions is emotional analysis. It is generally done by psychiatric.
The direction in which the trend analysis points.
it is a processor of the work
It depends on what type of training analysis you mean. If it's a needs analysis it would mean that the training offered by the company was likely not to meet the needs of it's staff. If it's a skills analysis for a particular job it would mean the training programme for that job would not cover all the required skills
conduct of account
Data analysis and discussion means when your talking with some one and talking about something
Requirement analysis is analysis of the requirements . It is basically done to refine the requirements.
This is also known as the PEST analysis. PEST stands for "Political, Economic, Social, and Technological". PEST analysis is the analysis of the four PEST items to decide on a businesses plan in the long run.