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Q: What does quantitative sampling mean?
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What negative effects could occur if you used a quantitative sampling method for a qualitative study and vice versa?

Using a quantitative sampling method in a qualitative study could result in a lack of in-depth understanding of participants' experiences and perspectives. On the other hand, using a qualitative sampling method in a quantitative study could introduce bias and limit the generalizability of the findings.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution equal to?

The mean of the sampling distribution is the population mean.

What is sampling error?

Sampling errors are errors in the data collected during the carrying out of quantitative data surveys. They can occur for various reasons, e.g. surveys that were incorrectly filled out. It is generally said that a survey needs to have a margin of error of under 3% to be statistically significant.

What is the similarities between quantitative data and quantitative data?

don't you mean quantitative data and qualitative data?

How do you explain sampling techniques in research with reference to quantitative techniques?

sampling techniques? okey, here's what to do... step 1go to google then type whatver you want to rsearch on. step2 read what has come up on wiki answers then i dont know

Compare the efficiency of simple random sampling with systematic random sampling for estimating the population mean and give your comments?

Compare the efficiency of simple random sampling with systematic random sampling for estimating the population mean and give your comments.

What is sampling distribution of the mean?

Thanks to the Central Limit Theorem, the sampling distribution of the mean is Gaussian (normal) whose mean is the population mean and whose standard deviation is the sample standard error.

Is the sampling of error larger when the sample mean is closer to the population mean?


What is the difference between the sample mean and the population mean known as?

Sampling bias.

The difference between sample mean and population mean is called the?

Sampling Error

What does quantative mean?

quantitative mean amount of any thing in number.

What does quantitative observation mean?

Quantitative observation means that your description of what you observedincludes a definite number that you measured.For example:"I saw a really big guy." is not a quantitative observation."I saw a guy who is 8 feet tall." is a quantitative observation.